Carmageddon 2 review
Carmageddon 2 review

carmageddon 2 review carmageddon 2 review

Bits of the cars like their doors or their fronts will fall off and will react with the environmet see doors slide down a hill and have a car run the bits over or flip on them. A huge and AMAZING part of the game is the cars falling apart. The guys driving the cars don't look too bad either. The cars range from your average spiked sports car to a WWII plane and to mini-monster truck with a rotating spike on the front.

carmageddon 2 review

Apart from that the cars and other ''things'' you race against look bold, big and has the detail where it needs it. The draw distance is the one thing that lets it down abit. With any kind of ok PC you can get top notch 1998 graphics which are better then your average 1998 game. Kill all zombies (just a side thingy) Graphics - 10/10 For a game of 1998, (the time of the Quake 3 and Half-Life release) these graphics are quite something. Go through the checkpoints (normal rcaing) 2. So you can do one of three things to win a race 1. With no rules or laws people decided to set up races guess, story line doesn't matter. The basic game story is that its a post nuclear world and there are zombies walking the world, they don't harm you though don't worry, they are ''toys''. As the title say, its going to Be one crazy game and ride. Now, in 1998 the sequel came out, Carmageddon 2 - Carpocalypes Now. Its was a good game but wasn't too great in my opinion.

#Carmageddon 2 review movie

Carmageddon was a i sort of 2D/3D racing/killing/destruction derby game based on the odd movie ''The Death Race 2000''.

Carmageddon 2 review